Play with Confidence: The Importance of Sports Insurance
If you are a registered athlete in a sports association
You have recently suffered an injury during training or whilst – competing?
You are covered and entitled to receive SPORTS INSURANCE
If you have sustained an injury as an athlete, coach, umpire/referee or volunteer at a sanctioned event by your club/association, you are covered and can claim back gap payments.
Every club, association and sport will have different levels of Sports Insurance cover offering a variety of reimbursement percentages, maximum claim amounts and excess amounts. Typically, costs covered involve non-Medicare Medical costs. Loss of income cover may also be available depending on sport, club, and association.
Don’t let finances stop you getting your injury assessed, managed and safely returned to the sport you love. Our physiotherapists are familiar with all sporting insurance forms and can assist with completion of these.
☎️ Call us today 9873 2770 or go online to and book your appointment!